Featured in the Guardian and described as ‘fascinating and moving…a haunting experience’ by Don’t Panic, MINE was also Pick of the Week in Bristol Magazine.
Commissioned by Bristol Biennial and developed with support the Jerwood Charitable Foundation and Arvon, with special thanks to Clare Pollard, MINE is a site-specific performance for seven voices in the 18th-century Goldney Grotto in central Bristol. MINE is a guided tour of Bristol’s underworld, a poem spoken from the (ox)heart in collaboration with its audience, in which the story of two brothers is told in the playing of a card game, the trading of stones and a touch of real magic: as the poem closes and time runs over, a fast-forwarded stalagmite, a sticky little finger points at the only way out.

© Stephanie Elizabeth Third
MINE is also limited edition, hand-embossed pamphlet—part-transcript, part-publication, part-glittery, gluey residue of a performance—published by Spike Island and produced by City Edition Studio in Bristol, with support from Arts Council England. The pamphlet is available from the Spike Island shop.
Reviews for MINE:
Arnolfini’s Phil Owen reviewed the performance of MINE in CCQ Magazine: ‘a narrative as intricate as the arrangement of minerals on the grotto walls, explored the interface of geology and human time’
Harry Giles reviews the pamphlet for Sabotage: ‘Work like MINEdeserves a larger audience and dedicated attention, so that more of us can follow the traces of tiny performances and great flows of stone.’
For further information: http://